Convolute bedding:Sedimentary Structures

Sedimentary Structures

Sedimentary Structures

Itislooselyreferredtoasconvolutebedding.Onasmallerscale,laminatedfinesandsandsiltsalsoshowpenecontemporaneousverticaldeformation ...。其他文章還包含有:「a.Convolutebeddinginfine」、「Convolutebedding」、「ConvoluteLaminationinNon」、「Convolutelamination,itsorigin」、「Formationofconvolutelaminationinturbidites」、「Postdepositionalmodificationofsedimentarylayers」、「Soft」

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a. Convolute bedding in fine
a. Convolute bedding in fine

Each fining-up cycle is defined by a coarse-grained pebbly trough cross-stratified sandstone near the base and fine-grained, heterolithic sandstone-mudstone or ...

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Convolute bedding
Convolute bedding

Parallel lamination is widespread, and convolute bedding is usually present. These internal structures are arranged within wacke beds in a regular sequence.

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Convolute Lamination in Non
Convolute Lamination in Non

Convolute lamination and other sedimentary structures have been observed repeatedly in sequences characterized also by graded bedding.

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Convolute lamination, its origin
Convolute lamination, its origin


Convolute bedding occurs in both marine and nonmarine sediments of many environmental types. Although essentially syndepositional, its ...

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Formation of convolute lamination in turbidites
Formation of convolute lamination in turbidites

Convolute lamination is a common fold structure within turbidite beds, attributed to the deformation of sediment during or soon after deposition of the host ...

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Post depositional modification of sedimentary layers
Post depositional modification of sedimentary layers


Convolute bedding and convolute lamination. The layering within sediments can be disrupted during or after deposition by localised and small ...

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Convolute bedding forms when complex folding and crumpling of beds or laminations occur. This type of deformation is found in fine or silty sands, and is ...