

2022年8月11日—UnlikewildfiresinEuropeortheUnitedStates,firesdonotoccurnaturallyinthehumid,tropicalAmazonrainforest.Instead,farmerscut ...。其他文章還包含有:「2019Amazonrainforestwildfires」、「AmazonRainforestFires」、「Amazonrainforestfires2022」、「CaringfortheAmazonRainforestintheageoffire」、「DroughtFuelsWildfiresintheAmazon」、「FiresintheAmazonareoutofcontrol.Again.」、「WhyOurForestsA...

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Amazon rainforest tourAmazon rainforestAmazon rainforest mapCommercial logging in the Amazon rainforestRainforest fireWild fireAmazon rainforest fireamazon rainforest中文Amazon deforestation and climate changeAmazon rainforest climateAmazon rainforest climate changeAmazon rainforest deforestationForests fireWhere is the Amazon rainforestBrazil deforestation
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2019 Amazon rainforest wildfires
2019 Amazon rainforest wildfires


The 2019 Amazon rainforest wildfires season saw a year-to-year surge in fires occurring in the Amazon rainforest and Amazon biome within Brazil, Bolivia, ...

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Amazon Rainforest Fires
Amazon Rainforest Fires


A staggering 26.4 million acres of Brazil's Amazon burned in 2023, a 35.4% increase from the previous year. Deforestation from agriculture and cattle ...

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Amazon rainforest fires 2022
Amazon rainforest fires 2022


The Amazon rainforest is shrinking. The fires in the Amazon are growing. Just six weeks before the crucial 2022 Brazilian presidential ...

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Caring for the Amazon Rainforest in the age of fire
Caring for the Amazon Rainforest in the age of fire


In the Amazon, fires are lit as part of the deforestation process. As a wet tropical forest, the Amazon doesn't burn on its own. It needs to be ...

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Drought Fuels Wildfires in the Amazon
Drought Fuels Wildfires in the Amazon


With an El Niño brewing in the Pacific, uncontrolled fires are burning beneath the canopy in some parts of the rainforest.

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Fires in the Amazon are out of control. Again.
Fires in the Amazon are out of control. Again.


It's not looking good so far: More than 1,000 large fires have burned across the rainforest since January. Experts say this year is on track ...

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Why Our Forests Are Burning
Why Our Forests Are Burning


Wildfires are in fact quite rare in tropical rainforests, due to the high humidity. Even in the dry season, the flora is usually too wet for lightning to spark ...