UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules:UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (as revised in 2010)

UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (as revised in 2010)

UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (as revised in 2010)

TheseRulesshallgovernthearbitrationexceptthatwhereanyoftheseRulesisinconflictwithaprovisionofthelawapplicabletothearbitrationfrom ...。其他文章還包含有:「2013-UNCITRAL」、「ArbitrationRules」、「ArbitrationRules」、「OverviewofanUNCITRALArbitrationAdministeredbyICSID」、「UNCITRALArbitrationRules」、「UNCITRALArbitrationRules」、「UNCITRALArbitrationRules」、「UNCITRALArbitrationRules」、「UN...

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These Rules are available for use in investor-State arbi- trations initiated under rules other than the UNCITRAL. Arbitration Rules or in ad hoc proceedings.

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Arbitration Rules
Arbitration Rules


1. Where the parties to a contract have agreed in writing* that disputes in relation to that contract shall be referred to arbitration under the UNCITRAL ...

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Arbitration Rules
Arbitration Rules


1. Recommends the use of the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on. International Trade Law in the settlement of disputes arising in the context ...

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Overview of an UNCITRAL Arbitration Administered by ICSID
Overview of an UNCITRAL Arbitration Administered by ICSID


The UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules are a comprehensive set of rules upon which parties may agree for the conduct of their arbitral proceeding.

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UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules


The Rules on Transparency will apply to treaty-based investor-state arbitration initiated under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules in respect of treaties concluded ...

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UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules


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UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules


The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) have drafted procedural rules upon which parties may agree for the conduct of arbitral ...

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UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules


Recommends the use of the UNCITRAL Expedited. Arbitration Rules in the settlement of disputes arising in the context of international commercial relations;. 3.

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UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial ...
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial ...


It covers all stages of the arbitral process from the arbitration agreement, the composition and jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal and the extent of court ...
