Fngu etfdb:FNGO MicroSectors FANG+ Index 2X Leveraged ETNs

FNGO MicroSectors FANG+ Index 2X Leveraged ETNs

FNGO MicroSectors FANG+ Index 2X Leveraged ETNs

ETFdbLogo·ETFDatabase·Channels·Themes...FNGU,0.95%,$3.9B,1M,44.78%.Largest(AUM),FNGU,0.95%,$3.9B,1M,44.78%.Most ...。其他文章還包含有:「FNGUMicroSectorsFANG+™Index3XLeveragedETN」、「FNGU」、「FNGUvs.FNGZ:Head」、「FNGDvs.FNGU:Head」、「FNGOvs.FNGU:Head」、「FNGUvs.YGRN:Head」、「FNGSvs.FNGU:Head」、「BMLPvs.FNGU:Head」、「FNGUvs.NRGU:Head」

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FNGU MicroSectors FANG+™ Index 3X Leveraged ETN
FNGU MicroSectors FANG+™ Index 3X Leveraged ETN


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The notes are intended to be used as short-term trading tools by sophisticated investors. FNGU, like most leveraged products, rebalances at the end of every.

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FNGU vs. FNGZ: Head
FNGU vs. FNGZ: Head


The table below compares many ETF metrics between FNGU and FNGZ. Compare fees, performance, dividend yield, holdings, technical indicators, and many other ...

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FNGD vs. FNGU: Head
FNGD vs. FNGU: Head


The table below compares many ETF metrics between FNGD and FNGU. Compare fees, performance, dividend yield, holdings, technical indicators, and many other ...

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FNGO vs. FNGU: Head
FNGO vs. FNGU: Head


The table below compares many ETF metrics between FNGO and FNGU. Compare fees, performance, dividend yield, holdings, technical indicators, and many other ...

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FNGU vs. YGRN: Head
FNGU vs. YGRN: Head


The table below compares many ETF metrics between FNGU and YGRN. Compare fees, performance, dividend yield, holdings, technical indicators, and many other ...

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FNGS vs. FNGU: Head
FNGS vs. FNGU: Head


The table below compares many ETF metrics between FNGS and FNGU. Compare fees, performance, dividend yield, holdings, technical indicators, and many other ...

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BMLP vs. FNGU: Head
BMLP vs. FNGU: Head


The table below compares many ETF metrics between BMLP and FNGU. Compare fees, performance, dividend yield, holdings, technical indicators, and many other ...

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FNGU vs. NRGU: Head
FNGU vs. NRGU: Head


The table below compares many ETF metrics between FNGU and NRGU. Compare fees, performance, dividend yield, holdings, technical indicators, and many other ...