indonesia 1950 war:Cold War Tropes and Cultural Politics in Indonesia

Cold War Tropes and Cultural Politics in Indonesia

Cold War Tropes and Cultural Politics in Indonesia


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Indonesia army
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Indonesian National Revolution
Indonesian National Revolution

The Indonesian National Revolution also known as the Indonesian War of Independence, was an armed conflict and diplomatic struggle between the Republic of ...

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List of wars involving Indonesia
List of wars involving Indonesia

List of wars involving Indonesia ; Invasion of Ambon (1950), Indonesia · Republic of South Maluku ; Operation Trikora (1961–1962), Indonesia · Netherlands.

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Independence, decolonization
Independence, decolonization

Independence, decolonization, violence, and war in Indonesia, 1945-1950 is a joint research programme of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian ...

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The decolonization war in Indonesia
The decolonization war in Indonesia

Abstract. Between August 1945 and December 1949, the Netherlands deployed some 220,000 military in the Indonesian decolonization war.

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Art of War Papers Jakarta Knows Best
Art of War Papers Jakarta Knows Best

This thesis explores US defense policies and security cooperation activities and agreements between the United States and Indonesia from. 1950 to 1959, the ...

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Indonesian Confrontation
Indonesian Confrontation

Between 1963 and 1966, British Commonwealth forces fought against Indonesia in a conflict that focused on the future of Brunei and North Borneo.

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30. Indonesia (1949
30. Indonesia (1949

The Indonesian government suppressed the South Moluccas rebellion on November 4, 1950. Some 5,000 individuals were killed during the conflict. Post-Conflict ...

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Indonesia, the Cold War and Non
Indonesia, the Cold War and Non

By the early 1950s, the Cold War belligerents began to compete for the allegiance of the newly independent nations. Many of the newly independent nations, ...