1948 indonesia:The Cold War in Indonesia

The Cold War in Indonesia

The Cold War in Indonesia

Thispaperarguesthattherewereinfactstronglinkstoboth.TherevoltwascloselylinkedtothereturnofveterancommunistMuso,whoarrivedfromEurope ...。其他文章還包含有:「IndonesianNationalRevolution」、「MadiunAffair」、「MadiunAffair」、「TheRenvilleAgreement」、「TheNetherlands」、「RenvilleAgreement」、「TheRoadtoMadiun」、「TheColdWarinIndonesia」

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1948 indonesiaIndonesia 19501946 indonesiaindonesia 1956indonesia 1950 warindonesia in which stateindonesia independence
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Indonesian National Revolution
Indonesian National Revolution


From top, left to right: Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesian Independence on 17 August 1945. Indonesian soldiers in the streets, November 1949.

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Madiun Affair
Madiun Affair


The Madiun Affair (Indonesian: Peristiwa Madiun), known locally as the Communist Party of Indonesia rebellion of 1948 (Indonesian: Pemberontakan Partai ...

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Madiun Affair
Madiun Affair


Madiun Affair, communist rebellion against the Hatta-Sukarno government of Indonesia, which originated in Madiun, a town in eastern Java, in September 1948.

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The Renville Agreement
The Renville Agreement


This virtual exhibition provides information on Frank Porter Graham's role in negotiations for the recognition of Indonesian independence.

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The Netherlands
The Netherlands


In mid-September 1948, communist elements staged a coup in Madiun, Java, which was promptly crushed by the Republic. Henceforth, the Republic could no longer be ...

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Renville Agreement
Renville Agreement


Renville Agreement, (Jan. 17, 1948), treaty between the Netherlands and the Republic of Indonesia concluded on the U.S. warship Renville, ...

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The Road to Madiun
The Road to Madiun


The Road to Madiun: The Indonesian Communist Uprising of 1948 (Cornell Modern Indonesia Project) [Elizabeth A. Swift] on Amazon.com.

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The Cold War in Indonesia
The Cold War in Indonesia


Existing accounts of the Madiun incident or revolt of September 1948 suggest that it was a mainly domestic incident, with little direct link to ...