arabian desert lowest temperature:Arabian Desert - Arid

Arabian Desert - Arid

Arabian Desert - Arid

AminimumtemperaturerecordedatṬurayfonTapline(theTrans-ArabianPipeline)in1950was10°F(−12°C)andwasaccompaniedbyasignificantsnowfalland ...。其他文章還包含有:「HowcolddoestheArabiandesertgetatnight?」、「ArabianDesert」、「HowhotdoesitgetintheArabiandesertsinthesummer?」、「ClimateofSaudiArabia」、「Climate&WeatherAveragesinArabianDesert」、「ArabianDesert|Facts,Definition」、「Desert」

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How cold does the Arabian desert get at night?
How cold does the Arabian desert get at night?

-89.6c. This is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica. Antarctica is considered a desert as it's annual precipitation is below 51mm ...

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Arabian Desert
Arabian Desert

The climate is typically hot and arid, with temperatures ranging between 14–35°C in southern areas, dropping to 5–21°C at higher altitudes around St. Catherine.

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How hot does it get in the Arabian deserts in the summer?
How hot does it get in the Arabian deserts in the summer?

On one hand the Summer, which is the longest season there, can go up to 54 Degrees Celsius, averaging somewhere in the mid to late 40's. The ...

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Climate of Saudi Arabia
Climate of Saudi Arabia

The climate of Saudi Arabia is marked by high temperatures during the day and low temperatures at night. The country follows the pattern of the desert ...

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Climate & Weather Averages in Arabian Desert
Climate & Weather Averages in Arabian Desert

Quick Climate Info. Hottest Month, August (88 °F avg). Coldest Month, January (55 °F avg). Wettest Month, March (0.07 avg). Windiest Month, June (20 mph avg).

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Arabian Desert | Facts, Definition
Arabian Desert | Facts, Definition

Arabian Desert, great desert region of extreme southwestern Asia that occupies almost the entire Arabian Peninsula. It is the largest desert area on the ...

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At night, desert temperatures fall to an average of -3.9 degrees celsius (about 25 degrees fahrenheit). Precipitation. Deserts get about 250 millimeters (10 ...