moral disengagement:(PDF) Moral disengagement

(PDF) Moral disengagement

(PDF) Moral disengagement

...Moraldisengagementreferstoasetofcognitivemechanismsthathelpindividualssidesteptheirinternalizedmoralstandardsandengageinimmoral ...。其他文章還包含有:「AMulti」、「ALBERTBANDURAMoralDisengagement」、「Moraldisengagement」、「MoralDisengagement」、「MoralDisengagementasaSelf」、「Moraldisengagement:Definition,theory」、「Moraldisengagement」、「Whatismoraldisengagement」、「WhatisMoralDisen...

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A Multi
A Multi

Moral disengagement theory (MDT) suggests that individuals tend to cognitively separate the moral component from an otherwise unprincipled act ...

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ALBERT BANDURA Moral Disengagement
ALBERT BANDURA Moral Disengagement

In the development of a moral self, individuals adopt standards of right and wrong that serve as guides and deterrents for conduct. They do things that give ...

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Moral disengagement
Moral disengagement

Moral disengagement functions in the perpetration of inhumanities through moral justification, euphemistic labelling, advantageous comparison, displacing or ...

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Moral Disengagement
Moral Disengagement

Moral disengagement is defined as the processes by which a person comes to view a normatively immoral behavior as excusable (or not bad) or justifiable (or good) ...

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Moral Disengagement as a Self
Moral Disengagement as a Self

Moral disengagement is a process of cognitive restructuring that allows individuals to disassociate from their internal moral standards and ...

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Moral disengagement: Definition, theory
Moral disengagement: Definition, theory

Moral disengagement is a cognitive process of information re-interpretation that decouples peoples' internal moral standards from their actions.

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Moral disengagement
Moral disengagement

How do otherwise considerate human beings do cruel things and still live in peace with themselves? Drawing on his agentic theory, Dr. Bandura provides a ...

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What is moral disengagement
What is moral disengagement

Moral disengagement refers to the process where an individual or group of people distances themselves from the normal or usual ethical standards of behaviour ...

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What is Moral Disengagement?
What is Moral Disengagement?

Moral disengagement is the process by which an individual convinces him/herself that ethical standards do not apply to him/herself within a ...