Particle size distribution D10, D50, D90:Technical Note

Technical Note

Technical Note


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As the graph shows, the D10, D50 and D90 are given by the X-axis. (diameter) value where the cumulative volume curve crosses. 10%, 50% and 90% on the Y-axis.

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粒徑分析報告D10 D50 D90 的意義?
粒徑分析報告D10 D50 D90 的意義?

D10與D90這兩個尺寸,框出樣本的粒徑尺寸分佈範圍,超出這個範圍的粒徑,因為累計微粒總量很少,以下或以上的尺寸,基本上可以忽略。 D50 顆粒尺寸中間值.
