「Atacama Desert」熱門搜尋資訊

Atacama Desert

「Atacama Desert」文章包含有:「Afirst」、「AtacamaDesert」、「AtacamaDesert」、「AtacamaDesert|Location,Weather」、「NorthandtheAtacamaDesert」、「WhatSurvivesintheAtacamaDesert?」、「阿他加馬沙漠」、「阿塔卡馬沙漠AtacamaDesert」

atacama中文阿他加馬沙漠阿他加馬沙漠氣候atacama desert中文Atacama Desert阿塔卡馬沙漠外星人Atacama阿塔卡馬沙漠成因atacama發音
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A first
A first


Squished between the Pacific Ocean and Andes Mountains in northern Chile, the Atacama Desert is one of South America's most beguiling ...

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Atacama Desert
Atacama Desert


The Atacama Desert is a desert. It is on the Tropic of Capricorn in northern Chile, and is one of the driest places on earth. In some places, less than an ...

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Atacama Desert
Atacama Desert


The Atacama Desert (Spanish: Desierto de Atacama) is a desert plateau located on the Pacific coast of South America (Argentina and Chile).

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Atacama Desert | Location, Weather
Atacama Desert | Location, Weather


Atacama Desert, Spanish Desierto de Atacama, cool, arid region in northern Chile, 600 to 700 miles (1,000 to 1,100 km) long from north to ...

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North and the Atacama Desert
North and the Atacama Desert


Far from being inert, the Atacama Desert is an area full of energy thanks to its welcoming ancestral cultures and the oases that are a source of life in the ...

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What Survives in the Atacama Desert?
What Survives in the Atacama Desert?


the Atacama covers an area of 40,000 to 49,000 square miles, depending on how ...

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阿他加馬沙漠(西班牙語:desierto de Atacama;又譯亞他加馬沙漠),是南美洲西海岸中部的沙漠地區,在安地斯山脈和南太平洋岸之間南北綿延約600英里(近1000公里), ...

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阿塔卡馬沙漠Atacama Desert
阿塔卡馬沙漠Atacama Desert


阿塔卡馬沙漠(西班牙語:Desierto de Atacama)是位於南美洲(阿根廷和智利)太平洋沿岸的沙漠高原。分佈在安第斯山脈以西1,600 公里(990 英里)的狹長地帶,面積 ...