Give someone the finger
「Give someone the finger」熱門搜尋資訊
「Give someone the finger」文章包含有:「Give(someone)thefingerDefinition&Meaning」、「GIVESOMEONETHEFINGERinTraditionalChinese」、「GIVESOMEONETHEFINGER」、「Thefinger」、「GIVE(SOMEONE)THEFINGERdefinitionandmeaning」、「givesomebodythefinger」、「Give(someone)thebirdDefinition&Meaning」、「givethefinger」、「Definition&Meaningof"Givethefinger"」、「Whendidthemiddlefingerbecomeoffensive?」
查看更多Give (someone) the finger Definition & Meaning
informal. : to make an offensive gesture at someone by pointing the middle finger upward while keeping the other fingers folded down. He gave them the finger.
GIVE SOMEONE THE FINGER in Traditional Chinese
to show someone in an offensive way that you are angry with that person by turning the back of your hand towards them and putting your ...
to show someone in an offensive way that you are angry with that person by turning the back of your hand towards them and putting your middle finger up.
The finger
The gesture communicates moderate to extreme contempt, and is roughly equivalent in meaning to fuck you, fuck me, shove it up your ass/arse, up yours, ...
GIVE (SOMEONE) THE FINGER definition and meaning
GIVE (SOMEONE) THE FINGER definition: to express contempt for by or as by the obscene gesture of pointing the middle finger.
give somebody the finger
to show someone you are angry with them in a very offensive way by holding up your middle finger with the back of your hand facing them.
Give (someone) the bird Definition & Meaning
1. or flip (someone) the bird US : to make an offensive gesture at someone by pointing the middle finger upward while keeping the other fingers folded down.
give the finger
(usually transitive) To make an obscene gesture (towards someone) by closing the fist and extending the middle finger upwards.
Definition & Meaning of "Give the finger"
It involves extending the middle finger of one's hand while keeping the other fingers folded into the palm. This gesture is recognized as impolite and offensive ...
When did the middle finger become offensive?
The middle finger is the penis and the curled fingers on either side are the testicles. By doing it, you are offering someone a phallic gesture ...