「Ping River」熱門搜尋資訊

Ping River

「Ping River」文章包含有:「PingRiver」、「平河PingRiver」、「PingRiver|ThaiBasin」、「【泰國清邁】TheBaristroatPingRiver:質感棒棒的河畔網美...」、「MaePingRiver」、「TheBaristroxPingRiver,清邁河邊超好拍咖啡館」、「TheBaristroatPingriver」、「清邁湄平河遊船之旅」、「RevitalizationofTsuiPingRiver」

chao phraya river中文thai riverchao phraya river發音Nan RiverMun riverMae klong riverChao Phraya River cruiseChiang Mai ProvinceMekong RiverDoi InthanonPing RiverChao Phraya Riverping river中文Thailand river
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Ping River
Ping River


The Ping River (Thai: แม่น้ำปิง, RTGS: Maenam Ping, pronounced [mɛ̂ː.náːm pīŋ]), along with the Nan River, is one of the two main tributaries of the Chao Phraya ...

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平河Ping River
平河Ping River


平河(泰語:แม่น้ำปิง,RTGS:Maenam Ping,發音為[mɛ̂ː.náːm pīŋ])是湄南河的兩條主要支流之一,與南河並列。它起源於清邁省清道縣Daen Lao山脈的Doi Tuai。

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Ping River | Thai Basin
Ping River | Thai Basin


Ping River, river in northwestern Thailand, one of the headstreams of the Chao Phraya River. It rises on the Thailand-Myanmar (Burma) border in the Daen Lao ...

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【泰國清邁】The Baristro at Ping River:質感棒棒的河畔網美 ...
【泰國清邁】The Baristro at Ping River:質感棒棒的河畔網美 ...


The Baristro at Ping River 位於清邁的湄平河畔,離尼曼市區、老城區大約15分鐘車程,風格就是現在熱門的網美咖啡店,環境和咖啡甜點都很不賴,採用 ...

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Mae Ping River
Mae Ping River


This is about a 50 minute ride down a scnic river on a bamboo raft. It is quite safe, though the wooden bench seat can be hard on you bottom.

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The Baristro x Ping River,清邁河邊超好拍咖啡館
The Baristro x Ping River,清邁河邊超好拍咖啡館


The Baristro x Ping River位於清邁湄平河畔(The Ping River),我們這天從尼 ... The Baristro x Ping River有兩棟主建築,一間是漂亮的玻璃屋外觀, ...

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The Baristro at Ping river
The Baristro at Ping river


這趟造訪位於湄平河畔的The Baristro at Ping river,灰白色階光影交錯,兼具簡約文青感及工業風格,細緻有特色的甜點及咖啡品項也令人印象深刻。 The ...

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The river boat tour gave us a relaxing and peaceful experience. During the tour you could observe the bank of Mae Ping river with a calm and beautiful ...

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Revitalization of Tsui Ping River
Revitalization of Tsui Ping River


The Drainage Services Department aims to convert the existing nullah into a unique river with environmental, ecological and landscaping upgrading works. To ...