iShares India 50 ETF
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查看更多INDY Stock Price
iShares India 50 ETF (INDY) ; Total Assets: 771.24M ; Shares Outstanding: 14,500,000 ; ROI (TTM): - ; Dividends (TTM): 1.6586 ; Dividend Yield: 3.68%.
iShares India 50 ETF (INDY) Stock Price
NEW: Experience our best charts yet. ; NAV, 45.00 ; PE Ratio (TTM), 22.49 ; Yield, 0.16% ; YTD Daily Total Return, 6.77% ; Beta (5Y Monthly), 0.61.
iShares India 50 ETF
The iShares India 50 ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of 50 of the largest Indian equities.
iShares India 50 ETF
The iShares India 50 ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of 50 of the largest Indian equities.
iShares India 50 ETF(INDY) 走勢圖
iShares India 50 ETF(INDY),Yahoo奇摩股市提供您即時報價、個股走勢、成交資訊、當日籌碼,價量變化、個股相關新聞等即時資訊。
iShares India 50 ETF, INDY:NMQ
iShares India 50 ETF ; Price (USD)45.37 ; Today's Change0.270 / 0.60% ; Shares traded30.74k ; 1 Year change+3.38%.
iShares印度50 ETF-INDY
iShares India 50 ETF ; iShares印度50 ETF · INDY ; iShares(BlackRock) · 0.89.