tunguska event location google maps
「tunguska event location google maps」熱門搜尋資訊
「tunguska event location google maps」文章包含有:「115YearsAgo」、「GPScoordinatesofTunguskaevent」、「Mapwiththelocationofthemorereliablewitnesses...」、「SatellitemapoftheTunguskaregion」、「SatellitemapofTunguskaevent」、「SiteofTunguskaEventinRussianFederation(GoogleMaps)」、「TunguskaBlastEvent」、「Tunguskaeventasteroid1908GoogleEarth」、「TunguskaMeteorite」
查看更多115 Years Ago
On June 30, 1908, an asteroid plunged into Earth's atmosphere and exploded in the skies over Siberia.
GPS coordinates of Tunguska event
The explosion occurred at an altitude of 5–10 kilometres (3–6 mi) at 60.886°N, 101.894°E. It is classified as an impact event even though the object is believed ...
Map with the location of the more reliable witnesses ...
Also, a well-known event is the Tunguska event, which occurred in Siberia, Russia in 1908, has flattened an area of ∼2150 square kilometers of trees (Farinella ...
Satellite map of the Tunguska region
Satellite map of the Tunguska region, where the red line outlines the boundary of the forest that was toppled by the Tunguska explosion.
Satellite map of Tunguska event
Satellite map of Tunguska event, Russian Federation. Latitude: 60.8848 Longitude: 101.8900.
Site of Tunguska Event in Russian Federation (Google Maps)
The Tunguska event was an aerial explosion that occurred at 60°55′ N 101°57′ E, near the Podkamennaya (Stony) Tunguska River in what is now Evenkia, Siberia.
Tunguska Blast Event
Explore Tunguska Blast Event in Google Earth.
Tunguska event asteroid 1908 Google Earth
Tunguska Meteorite
Explore Tunguska Meteorite in Google Earth.