Cu whisker:Ag and Cu whisker formation in Ag–Cu–Te alloys

Ag and Cu whisker formation in Ag–Cu–Te alloys

Ag and Cu whisker formation in Ag–Cu–Te alloys

由SChen著作·2024—Agwhiskers,Cuwhiskers,andAg+CuwhiskersareobservedinAg–Cu–Tealloys.Theyarepolycrystallineandhaveapreferredgrowthorientation ...。其他文章還包含有:「AStudyofWhiskerFormationintheElectrodeposition...」、「CuwhiskerECSabstracts」、「GrowthbehavioroftinwhiskerandhillockonCuNiSnAg...」、「InvestigationofCuwhiskergrowthbymolecularbeam...」、「PartAWhiskerFormationonTinPlatedCubased....

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A Study of Whisker Formation in the Electrodeposition ...
A Study of Whisker Formation in the Electrodeposition ...

Under certain conditions the electrolysis of acid copper sulfate between copper electrodes leads to formation of long filaments, or whiskers, of copper on the ...

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Cu whisker ECS abstracts
Cu whisker ECS abstracts

Classical whiskers are usually single crystal, straight with sharp tips, while fibrous copper deposits were polycrystalline of. Cu(111) and (200) orientations.

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Growth behavior of tin whisker and hillock on CuNiSnAg ...
Growth behavior of tin whisker and hillock on CuNiSnAg ...

Tin whisker was likely to grow from shallow surface grains on Cu/Ni/SnAg micro-bumps. Stress difference formed by oxidation and IMC reaction was the driving ...

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Investigation of Cu whisker growth by molecular beam ...
Investigation of Cu whisker growth by molecular beam ...

Previous experiments on a whisker growth in Si substrate/ thin carbon layer/Cu system show that a carbon-coated substrate surface is required ...

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Part A Whisker Formation on Tin Plated Cu based ...
Part A Whisker Formation on Tin Plated Cu based ...

Sn-plating on Cu-base-material is prone to whiskers. Ni-underlayer will eliminate whisker risk. Cu-based leadframe @ RT. Whisker on Cu.

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Whisker (metallurgy)
Whisker (metallurgy)

Metal whiskering is a phenomenon that occurs in electrical devices when metals form long whisker-like projections over time. Tin whiskers were noticed and ...

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Whisker growth under various storage conditions on a Cu
Whisker growth under various storage conditions on a Cu

The characterization results obtained confirm that temperature cycling and isothermal storage favor the formation of whiskers on Sn-plated copper lead frames.