Period jitter vs RMS jitter:Specifying a PLL Part 2

Specifying a PLL Part 2

Specifying a PLL Part 2

RootMeanSquare(RMS)jittercanbeusedtoquantifyorspecifyrandomjittercomponents.·Peak-to-peakjitteristhedifferencebetweenthelongestandthe ...。其他文章還包含有:「AN」、「AN10007ClockJitterDefinitionsandMeasurementMethods」、「ClockandJitter&PhaseNoise原创」、「ClockJitterBasics」、「ClockJitterDefinitionsandMeasurementMethods」、「FromSiliconLabs:"Timing101#8」、「Time」、「TimingJitterDictionary...

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rms jitter to-peak-to-peak jitter
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Two Ways of Quantifying Random Jitter: RMS and Peak-to-Peak​​ Period jitter is the short term variation in clock period compared to the average (mean) clock ...

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AN10007 Clock Jitter Definitions and Measurement Methods
AN10007 Clock Jitter Definitions and Measurement Methods

Period jitter is the deviation in cycle time of a clock signal with respect to the ideal period over a number of randomly selected cycles. If we were given a ...

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Clock and Jitter & Phase Noise 原创
Clock and Jitter & Phase Noise 原创

2.1、周期抖动(Period Jitter),与理想时钟无关,不累积, · 2.2、相邻周期抖动(Cycle-Cycle Jitter),与理想时钟无关,不累积,属于short-term jitter,每个周期 ...

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Clock Jitter Basics
Clock Jitter Basics

Periodic jitter includes any jitter at a fixed frequency or period. It is easy to measure accurately and appears in the frequency spectrum as distinct peaks.

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Clock Jitter Definitions and Measurement Methods
Clock Jitter Definitions and Measurement Methods

The standard deviation and the peak-to-peak value are frequently referred to as the RMS value and the Pk-Pk period jitter, respectively. Many ...

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From Silicon Labs: "Timing 101 #8
From Silicon Labs: "Timing 101 #8


The measured RMS period jitter is the standard deviation of the period jitter distribution or about 1.17 ps. We can therefore estimate the RMS ...

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Peak-to peak period jitter is defined as the difference between the largest and the smallest period value from the sample size used for the measurement. Period jitter can also be specified as a root means squared (RMS) value in lieu of peak-to-peak.

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Timing Jitter Dictionary and Measurement
Timing Jitter Dictionary and Measurement

Period jitter measures the clock across a large number of its own cycles and provides the minimum, typical and maximum difference compared to the statistical ...

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時脈抖動(Jitter)的定義是指信號在有效週期內,其時序信號理想值與實際值的相對偏差量。 其主要意味著抖動(Jitter)是不希望有的訊號相位偏移,相位偏移的頻率稱為抖動 ...